Tag: Exercise

Most Common GYM MISTAKE!

There is one thing that I see people do at the gym every day that drives me nuts….not because I am judging them but because I am worried about them getting injured.  However, I have to admit that I have been guilty of making this mistake as well (eek!).

Check out my video to see what it is.  Maybe correcting this mistake will help you have a better workout as well as increasing your longevity 🙂

Barre Upper Body Workout

Happy Fitness Friday y’all!

I really believe that we all have a soulmate workout, one that makes us feel happy.  For me, it is definitely barre.  As a former dancer, I fell in love with the grace, flexibility and strength of this workout style.  Plus, there isn’t any pounding on the joints and never any Burpees (can you tell that I am really not feeling Burpees this week?!).  In addition, barre is extremely effective in muscle toning and definition.

Here is a quick upper body workout that is inspired by barre.  All you need is a set of light dumbbells and your breath.

I hope that you enjoy it 🙂  Please make sure to share, comment, and like while you are there.

*thank you to my fabulous client, Sabine, for being my demonstrator 🙂

Cardio Dance Workout

Hello lovies!  I don’t know about you but there are absolutely some days where I just don’t feel like I can do one more Burpee in my cardio routine!!

Let’s try something a bit different…but while burning calories, dancing and having fun.  Here is a 5 minute cardio dance workout.  I hope that you enjoy it.

Please make sure to subscribe, share, like and comment while you are there.