Tag: Vegetable

Vegetable Medley Coleslaw


Part of my treatment was to eliminate some of the foods that I loved and I wondered, “what am I going to eat now?”  I am a creature of habit and have been eating the same lunch and afternoon snack for about a year (No wonder my body felt so fatigued, it wasn’t getting the nutrients from a wonderful variety of foods)!

Layla and I came up with this delicious side dish (and I am trying hard not to let her just eat all of it).  I should state that I am not a chef!  I also don’t tend to measure, so go ahead and put in as much of each vegetable as your palette desires 🙂

-Green cabbage (I did half of a head)

-Rainbow carrots

-Fresh mint (I used about 6 leaves)


-Green Onion

-Hemp seeds

-Zucchini (I used zoodles cut with our veggie spiralizer)

-Apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper to taste

*It would probably be delicious with some lemon juice added as well, but they are on my “NO” list.

*Also, this recipe is great on a toasted brown rice tortilla with a little bit of vegan mayonnaise.


Enjoy 🙂